samedi 26 novembre 2011

Samsung se moque des fans d'Apple: De l'art d'une pub comparative réussie

In this ads, we can clearly see that Samsung is using a good strategy of comparing two different products in the same ad. This, in my opnion, pushes the consumers to notice the visible differences between a Samsung Galaxy SII and an Iphone 4S. Also, these kinds of advertisments are not very common because most of the companies are afraid to be suit because they are affecting negatively the image of the other product. I think that Samsung is able, through this interesting ad, to pushes some people to easily buy their products.


mercredi 23 novembre 2011

Advertising Can Warp Your Memory

 Marketing researchers find that vivid ads can create false memories.

In this article, the author explained that advertising pushes people to feel that they already lived a kind of situation that have never happened before. By using vivid images in the ads, people tend to remember the exact ad by creating a kind of fictional situation.

In my opinion, this can be true in some ads, where advertisers tend to show more vivid images which pushes the viewers to recall things that have never happened before. For this reasons, the consumers have to pay attention when watching these ads because the first concern for advertising agencies is to make consumers buy the product no matter the impact of these ads on them.


mercredi 2 novembre 2011

YouTube to launch 100 online TV channels

Youtube has reveiled its latest challenge to TV by launching 100 online TV channels. Youtube will have a partnership with Wall Street Journal, Madonna, Ashton Kutcher, and many online magazines.

Based on some reports, Youtube will start paying $100m to porducers as an advance to the advertising revenue that the videos will bring in.

Is this the end of Television industry? 
