vendredi 28 octobre 2011

Le partenariat entre Microsoft et Nokia est déjà signé

Nokia and Microsoft have finally decided to sign a partnership which make the two companies competing Apple and Google.
Nokia is now working on creating new phones which will allow a good interaction with Windows Phone 7.
The only question that has to be raised is wether Nokia will be able to influence positively the consumer because Microsoft is not in a situation of danger as the Finnish company.

The article's link:

1 commentaire:

  1. Because of the fierce fight in the competitive market, Nokia were obliged to find a quick solutions in order to save the company from the crisis. Among these solutions is the partnership signed with Microsoft. I personally think that this can somehow have a positive impact because the Microsoft followers will prefer having a mobile phone with the same options provided my Microsoft.

    However, comparing to what Apple and Samsung are doing for attracting more and more users, I think that Nokia has to put more effort on finding solutions. This can be done by decreasing the amount of defects on mobile phones, having more innovative and useful options within the mobile phones, as Apple and Samsung are actually doing.

    Personally, this partnership cannot be considered as the only solutions but as a starting point for better improvements.
