mardi 6 décembre 2011

Facebook sous surveillance pour les 20 prochaines années

Through this article, we find that Facebook is having hard times with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) that put the famous social network site on watch for 20 years. The reason behind such action is that the social website are lying about the way they are using and displaying the personal information of the users without their consents, and especially in some apps.

When reading this article, we can notice that people are becoming more and more aware of the negative consequences of displaying their personal information in such websites. It is true that Facebook is meant to re-connect different person from all over the world, however, this quickly turned to a disaster especially when some  personal information started to be used illegally.

Facebook will, from now on, be obliged to have audit sessions every two years in order to evaluate their progress in terms of protecting the personal information of the 800 million users. This is a completely fair procedure toward a lot of users who face many problems with their personal information.

Still, one question has to be raised: is this situation due to a lack of high security in Facebook, or simply is it due because users are displaying their personal information without being aware of the consequences of such action?

Personally, I will put the blame on users more because they have to become aware that displaying personal information will attract many people with bad intentions. It is true that restrictions are provided in the website, but still, information can be easily shared especially when subscribing in a fan page or an apps. This is why, users have really to be careful when choosing the information they want to put in their Facebook profiles.

Finally, Facebook has to find a way of fully protecting the users' information, otherwise, they might loose their 800 million users, and also get in deeper trouble with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).


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